
I want you to know that I didn't dislike him. Gotta admit he was a strange dude. Just when you thought he was cool, he'd go and do some damn fool thing. And when you thought he was smart, he'd show how stupid he was. Everything about him from his movements to his speech were kinda odd.

Welcome to meteorfall.org, a collective for Final Fantasy VII fansites and fanlistings. Ever since I first played it in 2006, FFVII has been one of my favorite games, and these sites are just my way of showing some love for it. This collective is part of redcrown.net.

If you have any questions or comments about this collective, feel free to leave them in the guestbook!

last updated 1 may 2024 ∗ skip ahead: sites · about · links



Beyond the Sky ∗ Cid Highwind


These fanlistings are not quite moved in yet — watch this space!


I first played FFVII in 2006, during my senior year of high school. I had recently completed FFVI, so naturally I wanted to try the next game in the series. Little did I know I was about to discover what would become one of my favorite games of all time, and what would become my main fandom for the next few years. I built a number of FFVII sites and immersed myself in the lore of the game.

After a couple of years, my high school infatuation with FFVII faded. In 2013, I replayed the game, and found myself falling in love with the characters and story all over again. This collective was opened in 2014 as a place to house my FFVII websites once again. This collective was previously called Final Heaven; it was renamed to Lucky Sevens in 2015. In 2024 I decided to get a domain for the collective, mostly because I liked the name meteorfall too much to resist.

As is usual for this collective, the layout features Tifa, this time from key art from Remake. Textures used are from Unsplash, along with defunct brushes from Jenteva Art. Background is by Subtle Patterns.

If you'd like to link back to meteorfall.org, feel free to use one of these buttons.

The following sites are some of my favorite FFVII fansites available on the web. If you know about any other FFVII sites still around, please let me know so I can check it out!

Then, I'll be going now. I'll come back when it's all over.

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Final Fantasy VII is © Square Enix.
No infringement intended. meteorfall.org is © Larissa, 2014-2025.